Sunday, May 2, 2010

Double Trouble

We (i ngan sikin lah)were at the double trouble concert. parking was hassle. Entrance was pack. We have to squeeze thru. I am talking entrance to the bukit kiara area for ticket inspection not the indoor arena yet. Entrance to the indoor arena was even terrible experience. Its like squeezing watermelon into a kicap botol. The arena is meant for horse riding/equestarium ke apa tu (yang kuda main lompat2 galah). It has only 1 door. I think la. Imagine almost 20000 of us trying to get thru that.
You can see all walk of life. The rock one, the cool one. the jeans and christian edgar t shirt one, the t shirt concert one, awek silap dressing one, dah tua one, middle age one, bau beer one. the masam ketiak one, bawak awek one, the mat motor one, makcik one pun ada, the bising one, joker, suka tolak2 one and macam2 one. All of these boleh notice masa bersesak2 nak masuk.
It was not a situation we like to be.

BUT, BUT, hey!!!! itulah nama dia concert rock!!!Nostaliga sungguh. rasa macam muda2 dulu konsert kat expo. i enjoy every moment..baik masa bejalan ke arena from parking, masa bersesak masuk...masa berdiri 3 jam tgk concert even masa berpeluh macam mandi sauna.

before the concert begins, the atmosphere was lightning. everyone of us enjoying ourselves. sementara menunggu start tu...sempat juga ....renung diri....tua dah aku....lama dah since belenggu irama keluar....lepas tu rock ah balik.....nak signal rock kat tangan pun dah lupa.

Once the concert begin........dia punya best tu tak leh nak cerita. sorry. kena experience sendiri.

ada 1 shortcoming lah. i've been to many concerts kat US lah. Kita kat mesia ni sound system kurang power. tak gegar ah. waste of talent lah. amy and awie and crew are bloody talented, but sound tak kuat tak gempak tak bising. I was standing in the middle still rasa music slow. tak full blast. sayang ah.
concert habis 12am. pi minum kat pelita bangsar with friends yang sekepala layan double trouble. then balik.
today monday, my kaki still sore. exactly belakang knee. so jalan macam org kena gaut skit. pasti coz standing lama sangat. 3 hrs + berjalan. rasa macam tandom belakang knee tu dah stretch.

if Double Trouble mai Kuantan nak tengok lagi.

1 comment:

tommy hilfiger said...

alamak.. i pergi jb nyer lah kalo camni