Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jalang jalang cari makang di China

Who the **** next to me? No need introduction lah.... His famous quote "mung nok? mung nok mari ah. eh baser natang iblis, pakai piyoh sajer....pakai piyoh sangat..." He is a nice guy. ordinary folk. A guy you would make friend for sembang2 kedai kopi. Politically brilliant guy...

note the guy in front of me. Raja Bahrain. Famous arkitek. Masjid terapung Terengganu is one of his work. I stayed couples of times in his Aryani resort. Fabulous lah. Anyone remember his great escapade in/out of Australia? Dont know eh?? u young generation don know history lah. He is a very humble guy. experience in life ni kira bergununglah. never raised his voice yet he is listened. never speak any other language with me beside teganu kita punya bahasa. Even i try to english(i choose my words carefully to sound intelligent) with him...he still reply..'' doh sining tadok barang hok molek2''. I had like 15 min duo conversation with him after those guy left. turn out kami 1 frequency on few discussed topic. Its good to know u sependapat with great minds. oh ya sorry gambar blurr..pasal that smelly chineese tour guide lady does not know how to use a genuine/real/original nokia phone.

Note monitor kat ghuang zhou airport. Direct flight to Terengganu. we chartered flight bro. direct. never again u will see kat monitor china's aiport tulis Terengganu.

1 comment:

tommy hilfiger said...

kuak jet abg eik kite dato h.... buleh tanoh sebidang pesenagng kalu abg eik bace ning